Behavior Analyst. Educator. Parent.

With over 20 years experience in education and over a decade specializing in behavior analysis, I have had experience as a classroom teacher, a para-educator, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, an Educational Consultant, Instructional Coach and Parenting Consultant. I have worked with dozens of schools, hundreds of students, and their families to understand and change behavior, acquire new skills, and deepen learning. In 2017, I designed and built a school to support students whose challenging behavior was such that their needs could not be met in their home district. As the Director of Two Roads Academy, I trained staff and created the environment necessary for these students to grow and succeed.

As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and doctoral student with a Masters in Education, the breadth of experience that informs my practice will support assessment of need and individual coaching will allow me to design an approach to change that is sustainable and successful for you.

My work is focused in Acceptance and Commitment Training - a way of reducing struggle and suffering by increasing psychological flexibility. With over 850 randomized controlled trials, this approach has evidence for effectiveness in reducing suffering in multiple areas.

I help people focus on what matters to them, and teach them to move toward those things even in the presence of discomfort or difficulties.

Dr. katie palmer, BCBA