for Parents of Teens with Anxiety
Specialized Coaching Program
When your teen has anxiety, suddenly what used to work to help them just doesn’t, and they can’t explain what is happening or moderate well enough to help you help them.
This specialized coaching program uses Acceptance and Commitment Training to help parents develop new tools, new wells of resilience and hope - and bring increased stability to day to day life with their anxious teen.
What you get with our coaching services
Learn the tools you need to reduce the impact anxiety is having on your child, your family, and your relationships.
IEP & 504 Guidance
Our behavior experts have over 10 years experience working with schools to support students through the IEP & 504 process. We can guide your work with your school team to build collaborative relationships that work in your child’s best interests.
Yes, we are experts in understanding and managing anxiety. AND we know first hand the toll it takes on everyone. We approach every family with compassion and deep understanding.